Enhancing Curriculum Effectiveness: School Board Members' Role in Oversight and Continuous Improvement

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Oversight and annual professional development of school board members regarding curriculum and instruction (SOQ 5) is a responsibility of school board members. How does a school board member engage in the efficacy of the curriculum the division has either chosen or written? What is the role that school board members play concerning schools which continue to struggle year after year concerning curriculum and the instruction? How does your board continually assess the progress of each student in relation to the objectives? 8VAC20-131-70. Program of instruction and learning objectives. A. As required by the Standards of Quality, each local school board shall develop and implement a program of instruction for grades kindergarten through 12 that is aligned to the Standards of Learning and meets or exceeds the requirements of the board. C. Each school shall provide a program of instruction that promotes individual student academic achievement in the essential academic disciplines and shall provide additional instructional opportunities that meet the abilities, interests, and educational needs of students. Each school shall establish learning objectives to be achieved by students at successive grade levels that meet or exceed the knowledge and skills contained in the Standards of Learning for English, mathematics, science, and history and social science adopted by the board and shall continually assess the progress of each student in relation to the objectives.

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