FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Virginia Governor Issues Executive Order to Establish Cell Phone-Free Education in K-12 Public Schools

July 09, 2024 11:31 AM | Shelly Norden (Administrator)


Virginia Governor Issues Executive Order to Establish Cell Phone-Free Education in K-12 Public Schools

RICHMOND, VA— In response to growing concerns from parents, educators, and public health professionals, the Governor Glenn Youngkin has issued an Executive Order requiring the development and implementation of cell phone-free education policies in the state's K-12 public schools. This directive is an effort to address the escalating mental health crisis and declining academic performance attributed to excessive cell phone and social media usage among students.

The Executive Order instructs the Secretary of Education, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Virginia Department of Education, and the State Health Commissioner to collaborate on creating comprehensive guidelines for cell phone-free educational environments. The initiative stresses the critical need to mitigate distractions, improve student focus, and enhance overall educational outcomes.

Key elements of the Executive Order include:

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Conduct listening sessions and engage with parents, students, teachers, and other stakeholders to gather input on age-appropriate cell phone-free education policies.
  • Definition and Guidelines: Develop a clear definition of "cell phone-free education" and publish model implementation plans for school divisions.
  • Public Feedback: Release draft guidance on the Virginia Department of Education's website for public feedback by August 15, 2024.
  • Final Guidance: Issue final guidance by September 16, 2024, with school divisions expected to adopt policies by January 1, 2025.
  • Communication Protocols: Address protocols for parent-student communication, medical needs, and emergency situations.
  • Reporting and Data Collection: Establish a mechanism for reporting school division policies and collecting data on student outcomes.
  • Collaboration with Health Agencies: Coordinate with relevant agencies to disseminate information on the impact of cell phone usage on academic and mental health.

Executive Order 33 comes in light of alarming statistics, including a significant rise in adolescent depression, anxiety, and suicide rates linked to social media usage. Recent studies show that students spending more than three hours a day on social media are at double the risk of poor mental health. Additionally, cell phone use during class has been shown to decrease academic performance.

The Governor's initiative aims to foster healthier, more focused learning environments and support the well-being of Virginia's youth. This Executive Order takes effect immediately and will remain in force until amended or rescinded.

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